January 05, 2009


Do any of you have a fun system for playing Roulette? I'm always intrigued by the game, but I've never found an interesting way to play. I'm not asking for a winning strategy, of course -- there aren't any. The house always has that nice little edge. I'm talking about a certain pattern that you like to sprinkle the chips in, or a certain way that you calculate how many chips to play.

I have two requirements for this system. One, that it not be boring. I could sit there and play Red all day. Whee! No.

Two, it should have some chance of making some big bucks. If I'm just sprinkling $1 chips on 2-1 odds all the time, that's not very interesting to me. I'm up $5, down $6, up $3, down $5, etc. I want people to scream in envy when my $20 bet on 8 pays off at 35-1!

An example of a fun system would be to sometimes arrange the chips in a smiley face pattern, with the nose being the big money. Or place the chips in a straight line that hits some numbers and also the little side bets.

I'd like to just chuck the chips over my shoulder and see where they land, but I don't think they'd let me do that.

Posted at 04:59 PM | Comments ()

November 03, 2005

Time Agent

I'm running a game of Time Agent by email. You can follow along, if you're interested. Let me know if you'd like to get into the next game. it should begin sometime in 2008, I'm guessing.

Posted at 09:40 AM | Comments (1)