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February 12, 2008

Food-Time Awareness

If I set out chips and dip for a party and then don't put them away before I go to bed, when I awaken the next day I usually throw them out because they're probably "bad". However, if I stay awake the whole night, I'm fine with eating them all night and even the next morning. It's almost as if the food stays good as long as I'm there to monitor it. But if I leave the food alone while I'm asleep, only then will the microbes and bacteria sneak out and destroy the food.

Posted at February 12, 2008 08:45 AM


Good observation! I do the exact same thing. Of course, the nights when I stay up all night are getting fewer.

Posted by: annie galvin [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 4, 2008 06:27 PM

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