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October 08, 2007
That's Entertainment
Deputy fired 30 shots from rifle in killing 6, officials say
I was reading the above article on CNN about a sheriff's deputy in Wisconsin that shot and killed six people, when I came across this part of the story:
Is that something that we really need to watch? Obviously the woman consented to having her grief videotaped, so maybe it's just the wording of that link that gets to me. Gather around, everyone, and be entertained by grief!
Posted at October 8, 2007 12:51 PM
I think you've ably identified a genuine problem.
I see it as more blurring along the reality-television continuum. In the same way that viewers became adapted to watching shows which purported to be Real Actual Events [like the talk shows of the 80s and 90s] and the "unscripted" dramas from The Real World to the Get Brett Michaels Laid Show or whatever it is, active work is being done to make it impossible to tell what's staged and what's real and to encourage people to take a voyeuristic glee in seeing the suffering of others.
I don't approve of it and haven't found CNN.com to be a useful site for years.
Posted by: Binder at October 11, 2007 04:44 PM
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