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September 07, 2007

More Burning Man Memories

I keep remembering more things, so there might be more memories to come!

Posted at September 7, 2007 01:29 PM


Sam's parents are staying at our house. The past two nights, they say they've been awoken by something playing "Happy Birthday." We can't figure out what it is.

But now I know! THANKS!

Posted by: Jennie [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 7, 2007 01:46 PM

I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. I think there's always a lot of great stuff going on out on the playa. It's good you can join the small "bay area burners who don't irritate me" club. ;)

I think that 24 hour breaking point with the heat is pretty common. I feel like I want to go home at around 36 hours, and then I feel great at about 48. That's another good reason to go early - the time I went for just the weekend, I was barely acclimatized before I had to go.

If you want to play DDI, you might want to check out Crucible fire festival next year. I went a couple months ago and they had it set up. Presumably if you get there early, you have a reasonable chance of getting to go.

Steampunk Treehouse looks awesome!

Posted by: sawall [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 7, 2007 04:59 PM

Can you please tell me what Dance Dance Immolation is? I'm dying to know!

Posted by: VeryMarkMcCormick [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 31, 2007 09:18 PM

Dance Dance Immolation is a very interesting (and possibly scary) way of playing Dance Dance Revolution. You put on a head-to-toe fireproof suit and you play DDR. If you make a mistake, you get a burst of flame in your face from a flamethrower.

You can see more of it here: http://www.interpretivearson.com/ddi/

Posted by: randomlife [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 4, 2007 03:03 PM

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