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September 19, 2007
Why Do They Call It the Blues??
A prisoner of the musical tastes of the carpool driver, I had a chance to listen closely to the lyrics of Elton John's "I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues". Bizarrely, he doesn't actually explain at all why the color blue is involved.
Posted at 08:54 AM | Comments (3)
September 07, 2007
More Burning Man Memories
- Brina wrote some really sweet things to both me and Steven on the Temple.
- I saw a woman at the Temple drawing pictures in the sand. I told her that her drawings were beautiful. She looked up with a smile and tears in her eyes and thanked me.
- We saw a camp with a giant-sized version of Settlers of Catan set up. There were no commodity cards, but instead they had actual physical representations of the items. For example, they had little stuffed sheep and pieces of wood.
- After first 24 hours, I wasn't really sure I could handle the heat for five more days.
- There was a lot of drama with a camp-mate's dehydration problem, involving being helicoptered out and Brina and I having to stay a night in Reno.
- During that night in Reno we had a shower and Pizza Hut! Ah!
- Beautiful double rainbow on the way to the hospital in Reno (photo by mr_nightshade)
- Brina made us some wonderful food -- fried rice, pasta salad, bee cakes (mozzarella, olive oil, garlic, and herbs on a cracker), pancakes, mimosas
- "Happy Birthday" was constantly playing in a mystery port-a-pottie
- Our shade dome blew over in the biggest dust storm
- Steampunk Treehouse (photo by pixietart)
- I really came alive after the sun went down each night. The heat really sapped my energy during the day.
- I heard "All Over the World" by ELO playing somewhere, so I sang along with it as I passed on my bike.
- I heard a Tetris remix playing from a camp as I biked by, so I stopped, but found no one inside. So I just danced by myself like a crazy man. I heard people commenting as they walked by. After the music stopped, I got back on my bike and continued to my destination.
- I wanted to play Dance Dance Immolation, but it was too crowded.
- We climbed to the top of the 90-foot Crude Awakening tower and were treated to a wonderful view of the playa. (photo by john curley)
- Pictures of our camp's adventures taken by Steven: Burning Man 2007
I keep remembering more things, so there might be more memories to come!
Posted at 01:29 PM | Comments (4)
September 06, 2007
Memories from Burning Man 2007
In no particular order:
- In a drugstore on the way, we heard that the man had already been burned down by an arsonist.
- Packing the two vehicles was kind of nightmarish because we had so much stuff.
- Brina and I had hours in the car in which we organized the songs on the iPod. Useful and fun!
- Brina always yelled "Cow!" whenever we crossed a cattle grate.
- Prius navigation systems rock.
- I ran behind the water truck a couple of times to cool off. Watertruck! (not me pictured). And yes, once I was completely naked.
- Most of the time I wore only a sarong on the lower half of my body. Very comfortable and cool.
- Brina was a truly fabulous camper. She made us all comfy and happy and I can't imagine doing something like this without her.
- Monkeys!
- I should bring a camera that I'm not afraid of breaking.
- I biked by someone's camp that was just displaying a big neon "Y" out front. I yelled "Y!" as I went by and someone inside yelled "Exactly!"
- I'm not used to riding a bicycle.
- I loved meeting and talking to Devon, Hannah, Nathalie, Adam, Adam, Parham, Mark, Whitney, Don, Lynn, and several other people who's names I can't remember.
- It was great to hangout with friends I already knew, too: Ryan, Darby, Devin, Laura, Mark, Lois, Frederick, and Eve.
- Conversations with Keith can be surreal at times. Which is an excellent thing.
- Steven looks great with a grizzled beard and a straw hat.
- I wrote Blossom's name on the Temple and watched it burn. Blossom is a co-worker of mine that died a few weeks ago.
- Getting a crowd of 40,000 people to sit down is difficult.
- I've never seen a higher concentration of generous, caring people.
More later...
Posted at 10:22 AM | Comments (3)