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July 02, 2007
Forced desegregation of schools is supposed to ensure that the racial mix of a particular school reflects the racial mix of the neighborhood it's in. Isn't it? That makes sense to me, but I feel like that's not actually how it's defined.
It seems to me that if students were allowed to attend any school they want, and not be barred because of their race, then schools would automatically take on the racial mix of their neighborhoods. And I think that's a good thing. Forced segregation was a problem because black children were not allowed to attend certain schools because they were black -- even though they may have lived in the school's neighborhood. Clearly wrong.
But I think it's too big of a task to force schools to have more ethnically and racially diverse makeups than their surrounding neighborhoods. The real issue is that neighborhoods are rarely diverse. If we want to have truly multicultural schools, then we need to solve the problem about where people live. The school thing is just a symptom of that problem.
Posted at July 2, 2007 01:39 PM
Several of the blogs I read are saying the exact same thing. For instance, this blog post has some tables of census data to back up the point.
Posted by: Squeaky at July 2, 2007 03:01 PM
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