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May 16, 2007

You Can't Go Wrong with G4

As I was heating my mattar paneer in the lunch room, a couple of guys that were doing construction work on our floor went up to the vending machine. One of the guys put some money in it. After staring at it for a while, the other guy said, "You can't go wrong with G4."

After they left, I went up to the vending machine to find out what G4 was. It was a roll of Lifesavers.

Posted at May 16, 2007 01:05 PM


People still buy Lifesavers?

Posted by: Jennie [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 18, 2007 01:12 PM

I bought some Lifesavers a while back because I felt all nostalgic when I saw some. But then they remained in my purse for way too long. I ate a couple of red ones, threw away the green and yellow ones and had only a couple left in a slightly open package. Open enough to collect some dust and junk to the top orange Lifesaver. I finally learned to "let go" and throw them away. Another lesson in life learned as I grow older. Hah! Only problem is that I seem to keep repeating the "G4" lesson, only in different ways.

Posted by: sassysue [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 19, 2007 05:46 AM

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