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April 01, 2007
Joss Whedon is only a few years older than me, so surely he was just as much of a fan of The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman as I was. Buffy's last name -- Summers -- must be an homage to Jaime Sommers, the bionic woman. The two TV super-heroines' surnames differ by only one letter and they are actually pronounced the same.
I think that Jaime would have been amused by the Buffy-bot.
Posted at April 1, 2007 02:26 PM
BTW, this is especially funny because I had one of my Sims build a robot, and since she is very human-like when it comes to her emotions, needs, and wants, I named her Jamie, after the Bionic Woman.
Posted by: Jennie at April 10, 2007 09:20 PM
This brings up an interesting issue -- the spelling of her name. According to IMDB, the character's name is sometimes spelled "Jaime" and sometimes spelled "Jamie". And there doesn't seem to be any clear chronological pattern. See Lindsay Wagner for more info.
Posted by: randomlife at April 11, 2007 10:05 AM
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