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August 14, 2006

Sound of a Dream

Brina suggested that we watch either Sound of Music or Requiem for a Dream with Steven tonight. He hasn't seen either of them before. As it was such an odd couple of movies to choose between, I decided that it would be fun to try to mash them up into one movie. Here's the synopsis:

Sound of a Dream
A woman studying to become a nun, becomes increasingly addicted to heroin. She takes a job as a governess. The children she cares for all become addicted to cough syrup, and they all spend their time getting high and singing. Captain von Trapp spends all day listening to the radio and eating diet pills. He hallucinates almost constantly, believing that he and his kids are on stage singing for Nazis.

Posted at August 14, 2006 11:41 AM


And when Liesl Von Trapp's Nazi boyfriend leaves her, she saws off her own arm with a rusty blade she finds lying near the edge of the Black Forest.

Posted by: annie galvin [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 22, 2006 02:46 PM

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