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June 08, 2006

Bad Choices

Upcoming sermon topic on a church marquis on Park Blvd.: "What do you do when someone you love makes bad choices?"

How about: "What do you do when someone you love thinks your choices are bad?"

Posted at June 8, 2006 12:53 PM


I think you know the answer to that one. In fact, I know you do! Love, Mom

Posted by: sassysue [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 13, 2006 01:04 PM

Sure, I know the answer for myself. :-) I just don't like the implied assumption of that sermon topic as to what is bad and what isn't. I guess that's kind of the *job* of a church, but if they really wanted to help a loved one, they should start by finding out if the loved one really thinks that their choices were bad. I'm all for helping someone that knows they've made mistakes in life, but I have a feeling that the "bad choices" in the sermon were things like homosexuality, straying from the church, and getting an abortion.

I could be wrong -- I would love it if the sermon started out, "What do you do when someone you love makes bad choices? You talk to them and find out why they made the choices they did. It might turn out that a bad choice for you is a good choice for them. The lesson here is that people need to respect each other more and know that having different values is not the same as having bad values." But I doubt that's how it went.

Posted by: randomlife [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 13, 2006 05:00 PM

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