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January 16, 2005
Game Day, January 1, 2005
Participants: Chris, Beej, Mike, Shannon, Vy, Devin, Steven, Me, Brina, Matt, Paula, DavidK
Place: Brina and Davy's place
Robo Rally
Players: Me, Chris, Devin, Steven, Matt, Shannon, Vy (dealer)
This game suffered a little from leader breakaway syndrome -- Chris got out in the front and stayed there, unscathed, until the end. Next time, we want to try putting shields around the flags to slow the leaders down a little. Either that or make everyone do a shot whenever they are shot.
Winner: Chris
Dungeon Quest
Players: Me, Chris, Beej, Matt
As soon as Beej walked in the door, I held this game up and said, "This is your pick." I know how much of a Dungeon Quest fanatic Beej is. We recognize our own. This was an unusual session in that three of the four players survived! Chris was the only one to make it to the dragon's lair, but he was also the only one who died. What's the moral of this story?
Winner: Beej
Once Upon a Time
Players: Mike, Shannon, Vy, Devin, Steven, Brina, Paula
Winner: Shannon (x2), Devin
Players: Mike, Shannon, Vy, Devin, Steven, Brina, DavidK
Winner: Mike and Steven (tie)
Players: Me, Steven, Shannon, Vy, Matt, DavidK
I think everyone came pretty close to winning at the same time. Not uncommon in this game. I'm inspired to become a chrononaut when I grow up.
Winner: Me
Early American Chrononauts
Players: Me, Steven, Shannon, Vy, Matt, DavidK
The Shiny, Clean Time Machine changed hands several times in quick successionso quickly that it didn't even have a chance to get used much. I guess that's how it stays shiny and clean.
Winner: Matt
Players: Me (Deputy), Steven (Renegade), Matt (Outlaw), Brina (Sheriff), DavidK (Outlaw)
When Brina's the Sheriff, it's a wild town. The Sheriff is just as likely to kill you as to kiss you. Of course, when Brina's involved, you don't much care. Congratulations, Steven, on the Renegade win. That was the first time I've seen that.
Winner: Steven
Carcassonne: The Castle
Players: Mike, Beej
Winner: Mike
Players: Me, Brina, Steven, Matt
This is a fairly quick game with a few interesting strategic choices. It's a good one to pull out when the Game Day candle is burning low. It also challenges you to believe that a gold tooth is a fashion accessory.
Winner: Me
Posted at January 16, 2005 06:40 PM
Awww! Thanks for the compliment... I think
Posted by: Brina at January 19, 2005 09:45 PM
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